Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 50: Turtle on the half-shell

I love this hat! It was a pretty simple intarsia pattern. After spending a lot of time trying to draw some complicated pattern on various bits of scrap paper, I decided to go the easier route. It is a series of octagons in a row, with the two rows staggered. I considered making a third row, but ran out of green yarn. Or so I thought....I finished off the hat then found another entire ball of green. Whoops. 

I love the crazy star pattern on the top! It turned out better than I had hoped.

My two turtles. Oh, right, you may not know this--the chocolate lab is named Turtle. 'Cause she's a chocolate turtle. Clever, I know. 
Squeaks got a sit-n-spin for Christmas from his aunt and uncle and cousins. He LOVES it!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

So are you going to keep going next year??? 52 more hats????

Kate said...

Oh, god, I think that might kill me. I was thinking maybe a smaller goal--like maybe a hat a month?