My first non-hat project of the new year! Okay, so I actually started this a long time maybe December of 2010. It was put aside in favor of the year of hats project and it took this long to pick it up again. I am glad to cross this one off my 'knitting to-do list."
Watch and be amazed:
It starts as an adorable little mouse. Can't you hear it squeaking away? Then something crazy happens:
Oh, wait for it, wait for it.....POP! Now it's an elephant. Super awesome.
This pattern is from a great knitting book called Itty Bitty Toys by Susan Anderson. It has adorable patterns and I particular love the author because she's from Madison! I even have my very own signed copy. I did modify this particular pattern. It is actually supposed to be a cat that turns into a mouse or a lion that turns into an elephant, but I thought it would be way cuter to have a mouse and an elephant reversible. This little yarn and stuffing charmer is a birthday gift for a little flesh and blood charmer that I know who is having a birthday soon! I will posted pictures once the gift has been delivered.
Other projects in the works:
I want to make Squeaker an Advent calendar this year. Naturally, it has to be a knitted calendar. My great friend Amanda made one a few years ago--24 little stocking hung by the fireplace with care. I absolutely loved the idea and I plan to copy her. I'm going make 24 little mittens though. I'm starting now, because I figure if I can make a few mittens a month between now and November, it will be way better than trying to make 24 mittens in the month of November (which is what I would typically do) and being completely sick of the project.
Also, a baby sweater! I found a fabulous pattern on Ravelry for a top down baby sweater and it's on my needles now. I hope to have some pictures soon.
Take care!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
100,000 stitches, give or take.
Well. I'm done. I actually made 52 hats in 52 weeks. Looking back, I can't believe it. I did a rough calculation and I knitted at least 100,000 stitches in that time. Wow. If only I had a dollar for every stitch.....
Here were the work horses of my year:
2 sets of size 6 bamboo circular needles, 16 inches. I made every single hat this year on these needles. I bet they are glad to take a rest now.
My other never-leave-home-without-it standby:
My handy-dandy knitting kit. It has my essentials, like scissors, a tape measure, a crochet hook. Plus the really important things like chapstick and hand-lotion.
So, what now? It makes me sad to think that my blog is all done because I knitted my year of hats. I went through my list of hat ideas and I still have a bunch I want to try to design and make. While I don't think I am mentally prepared for another year of a hat a week, maybe a hat a month? Here's what's still on my list:
1. Argyle hat
2. Robin hood hat
3. Frankenstein hat
4. Cherry hat
5. Zebra hat
6. Tiger hat
7. Lion hat
8. Cowboy hat
9. Octopus hat
10. Broccoli hat
11. Sweet pea hat hat
12. Popcorn
13. Biker hat
14. Reindeer hat
15. Princess leia hat
16. Darth Vader hat
17. Mustache hat
18. Sheep hat
19. Puppy hat
20. Hippo hat
21. Panda hat
22. Viking hat
That's almost 2 more years right there. Plus, I have all sorts of other knitting projects in mind.....Let's do that then, shall we? My new blog is a year of hats--a new hat for every month, plus some other fun knitting stuff on the side.
Well, Squeaker is napping, so I'm off to knit something completely un-hat-related!
Take care,
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Week 52: It begins and ends with a penguin.
I finished the very last hat in plenty of time to meet meet the year-deadline. Whew. I then spent the next 3 days trying to get Squeaker to leave the hat on long enough to take a picture. Most of the time we wound up with something like this:
Finally, I was able to offer an attractive enough bribe for him to sit still for a couple of photos.
Crackers are amazing things.
This hat turned out so cute. I wanted it to look very different from the first penguin hat and I think I succeeded. I love the floppy little penguin feet and I particularly adore the giant pom-pom. I also stuffed the belly just a teeny bit so it has a nice plump look to it.
The hat didn't stay on terribly long, but the cracker covered baby was so cute I had to take more pictures.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Week 51: Moo to you!
Oh, so sweet! This little cow hat turned out great! I took a lesson from the giraffe hat I made and created a spotted pattern, complete with darling ears, and the best part:
Perfect horns!
It has 2 colored ears--one black, one white, as JM said, "Just like a real cow would." Heehee.
Squeaker looked particularly darling in his tiny bib-alls and flannel shirt. He now knows "hat" and will regularly point to his head when you say that word, or if you (or anyone else) has a hat on. It is, of course, stinking cute.
My favorite picture.
I'm hard at work on hat 52.....
Here's the cow pattern link, if you are interested!
Take care,
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Week 50: Turtle on the half-shell
I love the crazy star pattern on the top! It turned out better than I had hoped.
My two turtles. Oh, right, you may not know this--the chocolate lab is named Turtle. 'Cause she's a chocolate turtle. Clever, I know.
Squeaks got a sit-n-spin for Christmas from his aunt and uncle and cousins. He LOVES it!
Have a great day!
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